Local April 1, 2024 | 9:24 am

Successful emergency operations in Boca Chica during Holy Week

Boca Chica, DR.- The COE Emergency Operations Center in this municipality reported no unfortunate incidents, while registering 128 assistance cases in response to beachgoers who visited Boca Chica beach during the Holy Week holidays.

The Municipal Mayor of Boca Chica disclosed that approximately six hundred thousand beach lovers and vacationers frequented the restaurants, hotels, and other establishments surrounding the Dominican Republic’s most popular beach. This beach is predominantly utilized by residents of the National District and the greater Santo Domingo area.

Engineer Fermín Brito Rincón, the mayor of Boca Chica, expressed satisfaction with the collaborative efforts of various institutions, which, for the fourth consecutive year, successfully prevented tragic incidents during the Holy Week festivities. Brito noted that the city council assumed executive oversight of emergency operations during the peak holiday period, serving as a command and coordination center for other participating teams.

According to provided data, 27 minors were rescued after being reported missing by their guardians and were safely reunited with their families. These individuals received care at the emergency unit of Boca Chica Hospital.

Additionally, emergency services attended to 89 medical incidents, including 2 traffic accidents, 6 cases of alcohol poisoning, and 1 case of food poisoning. Among the emergencies addressed, the Boca Chica Fire Department extinguished a residential fire that caused partial damage.

Emergency personnel within the COE in Boca Chica reported assisting a stabbing victim, who was subsequently transported to the hospital for medical attention with a corresponding report submitted to the police authorities.

Various relief and rescue institutions participated in the Holy Week Operation “Conscience for Life” 2024, including the COE, Directorate of Extra Hospital Care (DAEH), Civil Defense, Dominican Navy, Politur, DIGESETT, Assistance Center Social and Training Old School Operations (CASFOVE), Dominican Red Cross, and Boca Chica Fire Department, among others.

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April 1, 2024 10:27 am

Mira la basura en esa playa. Quien quiere banarse en ese arrabal.
Que verguenza.
Look at all that trash; who wants to swim in the trash.
The DR wants the tourist to come and get the money but does not want to invest in keeping the place clean.
Politur should get involved in conjunction with environmental agencies to stop the illegal sale of gasoline and diesel in the touristic areas Juan dolio …los bancos de arena and boca chica.
Corrupted officials are ruining the water near the shore allowing oil spill and fuel spills thus contaminating the beach…..
What a shame.

April 2, 2024 3:52 am
Reply to  AlphaBoston

Como tu escribes cosas feas de nuestro país lindo …?!
No te da vergüenza ?!
Qué tu dices no es corrupción , gente tiene que buscar moro todos los días …
Ellos están buscando manera de sobrevivir …
Pide disculpa y pardon ahora mismo de entero pueblo Dominicano …