Local April 25, 2024 | 8:55 am

The Duartiano Institute condemns US State Department report

Santo Domingo.- Wilson Gómez Ramírez, the president of the Duartiano Institute, vehemently criticized the annual report issued by the United States Department of State regarding the country, denouncing it as both baseless and misleading, particularly in its claims of widespread Haitian expulsion.

During a meeting with directors convened at the organization’s headquarters on Wednesday, Gómez Ramírez stated, “Once again, this report levels groundless accusations against our nation while hypocritically ignoring similar practices within its own borders. The United States deports Haitians to their home country using methods and practices that are often deemed inhumane.”

He highlighted that these assertions are primarily based on biased reports from activists within a segment of the Haitian diaspora residing in the Dominican Republic, as well as from misguided Dominicans who align themselves with international organizations, actions that run counter to national interests.

Gómez Ramírez condemned such behavior as dishonorable, particularly when it involves collaboration with foreign entities, which is punishable under Article 76 of the Penal Code. This article stipulates that any individual who conspires from within the Republic’s territory with foreign states, their agents, or any institution to undermine national interests will face up to 30 years of public service.

He emphasized the irony of a nation like the United States, which prides itself on respecting the sovereignty of other nations, yet blatantly disregards the fundamental principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states. In the Dominican context, this principle is safeguarded by Article 3 of its Constitution.

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Paul Tierney
April 25, 2024 9:24 am

It would assist to better understand this story, especially for a reader hiding under a rock, one unaware of the foreign immigration crisis. What did the US State Department say that is baseless and misleading in more assisted detail? It would provide an example of why the Duartiano Institute is pushing back.

April 25, 2024 10:44 am

The Dominican Republic was never under this much scrutiny when Trump was in office. It just goes to show that the Democrats and their “allies” have an underlying agenda against the DR. The United States is in the midst of a major immigration dilemma of its own and some of their deportation practices have been inhumane and worthy of criticism. I just don’t understand the obsession with criticizing and meddling in other countries’ migratory laws and processes…